The CSR commitment at Synchrone is concrete
Social and environmental responsibility.
Synchrone makes practical and measurable social and environmental responsibility commitments on the ground.
Each year, an action plan lays out the objectives. The cross-functional CSR division ensures its deployment, in conjunction with the departments concerned in the company, and measures the results of past actions. Each employee is invited to participate so they can respond in their own way to various social, ethical, and environmental challenges.
With complete awareness and transparency, we view our commitment as a guarantee of progress and durability, the key to shared growth that benefits the company, its employees and partners, and more widely, civil society and the environment in which we develop and grow.
Driven by an ambition for continuous improvement and performance, Synchrone is formalizing a new CSR governance and strengthening its policy on two priority issues: a low-carbon strategy and a responsible digital approach. The next objective is to validate its commitment with one or more labels, affirming its effectiveness in the sector.
Our areas of commitment
Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- Responsible recruitment
- Cultural and social diversity
- Gender equality
- Integration and opportunities for people with disabilities
Quality of life at work
- Workplace well-being, health, and safety
- Sense of solidarity
- Personal/professional life balance
- Skills development
- Labor relations
Climate strategy
- Energy savings
- Waste management
- Carbon offsetting
- Improving employee awareness
Digital responsibility
- Eco-design
- Green IT
- Inclusiveness and e-accessibility
- Digital eco-friendly habits
- Data protection and security
- Supplier strategy and ethics
- Combating corruption
- Responsible purchasing
- Supplier assessment and commitment
- Involvement in the solidarity economy

Audit of CSR policy
Synchrone has received a GOLD medal rating, which places it in the top 3% of IT consulting firms audited by EcoVadis, an independent rating agency.
Carbon footprint
In 2023, Synchrone’s carbon
footprint decreased by 9%
Gender equality index
Published annually, our index for
the 2023 was:
Diversity & inclusiveness in the Synchrone teams
Gender equity
of women
of employees sensitized
Three examples of concrete actions involving the Synchrone teams’ solidarity efforts and benefits for people with disabilities.

Each year, a unique activity is offered to our teams during the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities.
It’s a fun and original way for employees to get involved and show concern for disabled people in the workplace who are often not recognized.
In 2023, the serious game “En route vers les Jeux” gave them tue objective of finding 10 essential objects for Mathieu Thomas, French No. 1 in para-badminton, and discover more about invisible disabilities.

In terms of raising awareness of the situation of vulnerable populations, Synchrone carries out various solidarity actions throughout the year.
An emblematic event each year: the “Pink October” movement, for the benefit of the fight against breast cancer.
Synchrone mobilizes the many runners of its running team to participate in the solidarity races organized throughout the month of October, with the Odyssea Race at the forefront.

In April 2023, Synchrone participated in the H-Games, a major inter-company competition in favor of disabled sports, as part of its United Heroes x Synchrone sports & well-being program.
All employees mobilized for 2 weeks to support athletes with disabilities, which generated a Synchrone donation to the FFH.
Synchrone has already signed up for the 2024 operation which will take place in November!

Our Climate Strategy
Always proactive in reducing its carbon footprint, Synchrone formalizes its commitment with a climate strategy aimed at reducing direct and indirect CO2 emissions from its activity. The objective set by its carbon reduction trajectory: -4% of GHG per year.
Concretely, several projects are underway on its 2023-2030 roadmap: raising employee awareness through quizzes and thematic events, assessing suppliers on their climate strategy and carbon footprint, strengthening the company’s sustainable mobility policy, green IT and responsible digital approaches, etc.
With 1.6 t of CO2e emitted per employee in 2023, Synchrone is well below the sector average, which stands at 4.8 t. Its ecological footprint is down 9% between 2023 and 2022: the action plan on the most emissive items in its balance sheet is working!
Our structuring CSR documents
Synchrone formalizes its CSR approach and policies through structuring documents, intended for all of its stakeholders.
> Sustainable Development Report 2022 – Commitments & achievements S1 2023
- CSR Charter
- Ethics Charter
- Ethics and Responsible Purchasing Charter | Suppliers and service providers
- Charter relating to the implementation of the professional alert procedure
- Sustainable Development Report 2021
Synchrone also partners with organizations and initiatives of public renown on environmental, societal and ethical issues. It is thus a signatory to several charters reflecting its commitments:
- United Nations Global Compact
- Charte de la Diversité
- Charte de la parentalité en entreprise
- Manifeste Planet Tech’Care
- Charte RFAR
- Charte Numérique Responsable
Beyond the compliance of legal documents and a score of 26/31, or 83.87% in the Provigis CSR questionnaire, Synchrone won the Gold medal through its own commitment as a Responsible Buyer in monitoring its suppliers and subcontractors.